The NAACP Bombing: Racial Resentment & Media Bias


The domestic terrorist attack Tuesday against NAACP is analogous to the bombing of the historical 16th street Baptist church, the racial violence left an indelible mark on the contours of American history for the worst. Four girls were killed and a vibrant institution was destroyed. Some may question the vibrancy of the NAACP as an effective advocacy group for blacks, but the terrorist attack against its main headquarters symbolize the sojurn of blacks in this country.

The FBI is currently conducting an investigation to reveal if there were any foul play in Tuesday’s explosion. A make shift explosive was detonated Tuesday morning against an exterior wall of a building that accommodates the NAACP Colorado Springs chapter as well as Mr. G’s Hair Design Studios, a neighbor barbershop. There were no deaths or maimings from the explosion and only minimal damage was done to the wall where the explosion occurred, but chapter president Henry Allen Jr. said the blast was strong enough to knock objects off the wall.

The FBI could not definitively say that motives of racial hatred might have fueled the attack, but the bombing has been perceived as an act of domestic terrorism by Sondra Young, the President of the Denver chapter of the NAACP.

Prudence is necessary and one ought to use in analyzing a tragic matter like this, but when taking into account the historical context of race in America, we should not quickly dismiss the possibility that the Colorado Springs Headquarters may have been intentionally targeted because of racial animosity towards the black race within the United States.

This is certainly not outside the realm of possibility, the 16th street bombing was beacon of turmoil and racial hatred in the United States. Due to luck and grace, there were no casualties but it’s ramifications, and significance cannot be relegated to happen stance or Murphy’s law

Consider the fact the bombings were used historically to express vehement disagreement towards a different group. No other anecdote can sufficiently explain this than the case of Timothy Mcveigh who intentionally bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in order to express his opposition to the U.S government. This act of violence inflicted the most deaths in the history of American terrorism.

I contend that the bombing is a possible result of recent racial tensions in the United States. The deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner (two black men killed in violence) were preeminent factors that caused discussions and arguments about race and inequality recently. The NAACP has always been vocal and institution of resource for black Americans who may be the victim of structural or outright physical racism. There are a remnant of folks who have discussed their disgust for blacks and the NAACP by extension so we should realistically assess the possibility that this lobbyist group may have been targeted maliciously.

In addition to perceived act of terrorism, another prevailing issue that lies within the lack of coverage of the Tuesday’s incident. Say what you will about the NAACP, it’s arguably the most prominent and powerful black organization to have ever existed in the United States. The fact well-respect, syndicated columnist and outlets have ignored this incident is unfortunate.

The international story of the 3 assailants who attacked a French newspaper Wednesday seem to have receive bulk of the attention, rather than the largest civil rights group in the United States. All tragedies should be treated equally and given its proper respect, but the issue lies when you’re are ignoring allegedly domestic terrorism in light of the U.S racial turbulence

For the American media to ignore this grave misstep of democracy and faulty journalism only shows the marginal racial progression that this country has gained in the grand scheme of thing. Unreported incidents like such as this one fuels the Black Lives Matters movement which aims at proving that black and whites lives are valued disproportionately. This bombing and the subsequent silence by mainstream cable networks politicians and the like reveals that blacks ideology is not respected with the United States. In order for African Americans to feel accepted within the dominate culture we must begin to express and legitmately recognize our plight

Integration & the Decline of The Black Community


We are approaching that time of the year, soon we will be celebrating the historical significance of Dr. Martin Luther King and his advocation for government sanctioned integration. Many black Americans view 50 years of assimilation as a success. However, most Americans, are not aware of King’s changing views on integration during the final years of his life. According to Harry Belafonte, a personal confidant of his, a troubled King told Belafonte that he feared he “integrated the American negro into a burning house. There isn’t a more befitting metaphor to describe the socioeconomic plight of African Americans as a result of this government enforced integration. Because of this blacks have turned their back own their own institutions, and have been doing so ever since.

In order to understand the affects of black assimilation into American society, you must understand the impact of Jim Crow, institutions and other restrictive legislation that build a wall for black consumers, business owners and citizens. According to Vicki Bogan, a professor at Cornell, Jim Crow, The National Labor Relation Board Act, and sub sequential public policies made it difficult for blacks to engage in commerce. The NLR Act institutionalized collective bargaining; such federal legislation gave the polish, Italians and Jewish immigrants exclusive access to business licensing and economic income.

These circumstances forced blacks to practice “group economy,” which entails targeting potential consumers within their race for their survival. In other words, they had to do for self! Without the patronage of whites, or government support, it was imperative that African American business applied this economic principle. Business leaders within the black community encouraged this race based economic practice that created a self sufficient economy.

As the black businesses progressed through Roosevelt administration into civil rights movement, blacks became economically independent because of necessity. There were black owned schools, loan offices and business- granted, they may have not been on par with white institutions due to racism and available resources, but they owned them. With desegregation, blacks were given that option to assimilate into the dominant demographic, an affront that we may never recover from.

In 1968, the National Business League (NBL) conducted a survey of 564 Black-owned businesses in seven cities. The survey revealed that the average Black business was intimate, small-scale operation. As the national retail sector began to focus bigger proprietors which receipts per establishment were rising rapidly, the survey data showed that the Black-owned businesses tended to have more employees on average than the white American typical firm. This is concrete evidence that Black business had, invaluable importance to their own race during the height of legal/defacto segregation. This same report notes that from 1969 to 1977, the amount of black business declined by 9 percent.

I contend that it’s the worst thing that could have ever happened the African American negro. Because a sizable portion of them are ignorant, they won’t recognize the damage that integration has done to their once strong pillars of the black community. The National Business League attributed this alarming decline, to the influx of white competitors. The notion that desegregation opened up a market that blacks business could not compete. Hence my contention.

The African American negro turned his back on his own schools, fraternal orders, business and economic citadels to be amongst his slave master. The decimation of these institutions proved that the average black person, wanted to, and still yearns to be amongst the children of his slave master, and racists lawmakers of the past. It was like heaven for the blacks to sit on the same toilet after the whites. To buy from white vendors instead of blacks. For all intents and purposes, it is safe to say that blacks abandoned the doctrine of Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, and others that emphasized self-reliance. In a bizarre way institutional segregation was the best thing that could happened to the black community because again, black business were thriving out of necessity, there was a strong community in the face of outright discrimination. Reliance on integration have made black lazy, unwilling to build their own institutions, placing themselves at the mercy at others for economics opportunities and education.

You can go across any black community, and you see that the economics of that community is controlled by foreigners that disrespect your women by giving them menial under-the-table jobs. They sell you outdated products which exacerbate the urban public health issue. This is the byproduct of American integration. You send your kids to failing government ran schools because there is a meager tax base to fund such schools for our own. In this new era of America, I think that fire has destroyed the functional black community of the past.

The 21st Century Minstrel Show; Reality T.V, Music & Buffoonery

amsande2's Blog


Before I administer my thoughts on this new era of black television, allow me to say this, I have not now, nor have I ever been supporter of black reality t.v. If you take a panoramic look into black media over the past 20 years, it is evident that there has been a degeneration in the quality of shows. There were positive sitcoms such as “Cosby’s Show,” which some blacks said wasn’t an accurate representation of the black family. A show that that portrayed two professional parents who loved and cared for their children, a milestone in black media to say the least. Other spin offs such as “A Different World” displayed what it was like to be a minority college student, and the challenges that they faced. Again, very positive programming. But from my recent encounters, I have came to the conclusion that this new programming has set the…

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The 21st Century Minstrel Show; Reality T.V, Music & Buffoonery


Before I administer my thoughts on this new era of black television, allow me to say this, I have not now, nor have I ever been supporter of black reality t.v. If you take a panoramic look into black media over the past 20 years, it is evident that there has been a degeneration in the quality of shows. There were positive sitcoms such as “Cosby’s Show,” which some blacks said wasn’t an accurate representation of the black family. A show that that portrayed two professional parents who loved and cared for their children, a milestone in black media to say the least. Other spin offs such as “A Different World” displayed what it was like to be a minority college student, and the challenges that they faced. Again, very positive programming. But from my recent encounters, I have came to the conclusion that this new programming has set the black race (particularly black women) back 5,000 years. I personally know of many supporters of these 21 centuries minstrel shows. When I ask them how could they support these degrading shows that cast black people in a negative light, their only response is that it’s entertaining- with no reservations of the negative stereotypes and behavior that these shows entail, the African American negro is a proud participant and co-conspirator their own cultural demise.

Many of these shows, Love &; Hip Hop Basketball Wives, Bad Girl Clubs etc, paints black women and men in a negative light. If you happen to channel surf and land on one of the previously mention shows, you’ll see black women portrayed as ignorant, crude, rude, shallow catty individuals. Nothing but savagery is displayed on these cable t.v shows- black women fighting over a dysfunctional uneducated negro is commonplace.

But these shows aren’t alone in there degradation of black people; the popular show “Scandal” is just as worse in it’s depiction of black women. Again, this is a show that I don’t frequent, but from it’s popularity and high ratings, it’s nearly impossible to have not heard of, or come across. Here you have a promiscuous, hyper sexual black woman who is a sex slave to this liberal white President (slave master). She confides in this statesman as he uses her a sexual pet, a minstrel to be clear. But astonishingly, black women support this show with emphatic pride, and this only goes to show the utter insanity of black folks in the 21st century. It hasn’t been 100 years since we seen the overtly racist minstrel shows of past. Amos Andy, and characters like Steppin’ Fetchin’. These shows had white actors dressed in blackface, and they attempted to portray blacks as mentally inferior, lazy barbaric individuals. Because of these racist depictions, the perception of black Americans have more or less worsened over time. When you compound that with the fact that blacks willingly act, and watch these shows that castigate them as barbaric, ignorant, materialistic people, who could you call this mental slavery?

I am surprised by the fact many of the people who support this garbage are college educated, professional black women, and alarmingly some black men too. These graduates, students and the like took courses in the social sciences, which means they have to be aware of racism in the caricatures of blacks over the past centuries. So with that context and understanding, how could these same race of intelligent people watch a show that reinforces negative race based themes that civil rights leaders died in martyrdom to destroy? I tell you why, they are 21st century slaves.

There is no way around it. Not all but many support music and t.v that perpetuate ignorance, amorality violence and sexual deviancy. These coon rappers, and bed wench so called singers that many of these people support do nothing but hinder the perception of black people. Why won’t these same group of self righteous college educated blacks boycott VH1 B.E.T and these record labels that are distributing this poison? They are lazy, and don’t really care about the plight of black people, I think. To end, it’s most hypocritical to say that you what help that advancement of black society, when you sit your children, teens, nieces and nephews and make them watch this crap. We are beginning to see the residual effects of what this media does. Black women twerking in the street, fighting, catching sexual diseases. Black men, selling drugs, being coon rappers, and absentee parenting. For it will be when your children become adults, you will understanding the ramifications of supporting such media.

Why I Support School Choice For Minority Students


Let me preface my position on public schools by saying that I am a not a Republican, but on this particular issue I agree with theIr position on education. School choice is the parental option to chose between a public or any private schools for underprivileged students. I think it’s imperative to acknowledge that I understand purpose of public schools, and the reasoning for creating one. These institutions of learning ( a term I use loosely) were created to give all students the chance to receive an education, which is legally offered to all students. Ideally, public education was a socially correct idea, but now it operates in futility. Frankly put, public education has become a disaster.

Urban education is the bane of many poor minority students existence. There is no need in denying this a national truth. If you go to any inner city across the United States, you
Can’t help but notice a glaring commonality. All of public schools are in dire straits. For black public high students nationally, it has been reported that only 66 percent of the student population graduates with in the 4 year track. This is significant considering the disparities to other races; Asians (93%), whites (83%) and Hispanics (71%).

Given these statistics, we have a festering problem, but it is affecting a particular demographic of people- black youth. Recent studies show that only 50 percent of black youth graduate, which is a profound and disappointing number in itself. Many of these black young men attend these dysfunctional public schools, where failure is accepted. This number is alarming but one must ask themselves what factors led to this failure of the public education system for minorities.

School violence has become a serious problem in many urban schools. The threat of harm to a student deters the learning process, and also leads to an inflation in violence. Many students from these schools live in rivaling neighborhoods, as result, the beef and violence spills over to the school. Lack of educational resources are also a liability which hinders public education. A student once told me that they had a textbook where George Bush was listed as the current President. It is exactly these sort of barriers which impede student development and consciousness.

Detractors argue against private education because it undermines public education, and it discriminates against certain kind of students. Maybe public education needs to be under minded because it has been unsuccessful.

Shouldn’t all students have the opportunities to learn and succeed in a environment which challenges the student? It’s clear that public education system is hurting are young black children. Many community organizers, professors & activist speaks of the ” education-prison pipeline,” the notion that inadequate education in urban schools has a direct correlation with likelihood of imprisonment. Some argue that public education should better funded and to an extent I agree, but we have to deal with the reality that these inferior schools are causing urban decay right NOW.

The fact of the matter is private institutions of education of education have a better reputation of education youth and preparing them for college. They foster a safe environment that reinforce a commitment to education, and personal growth. Moreover, private schools simply have superior educational resources that can mold academic excellence in students.

School choice gives the parent the discretion to chose a school that will prepare the child for the “real world.” It’s hypocritical in my opinion for many on the left to tout the usefulness of public education while they send their children to elite private schools. President Obama sends his kids to private school, Sidwell & Friends to be exact. Shouldn’t other D.C children receive the same opportunity? As a moderate leftist, I have come to the conclusion that I’m willing to support a n unpopular position on school choice. Because long after this read, many minority children will be left to fend for themselves in the horrid schools. These voucher programs worked in Cleveland, Ohio; a city that was notorious for their dismal public school performance. The Supreme Court solidified the legality of the program in the controversial court case Zelman v. Simmons-Harris. Which leaves the school vouchers programs to the state legislatures to approve if they passed the Supreme Court Establishment Clause test. So if there has been a blueprint of success in one urban area, other inner city school districts should follow suit, and deviate from party politics.

My opinion is not predicated on politics, but what I have seen in the school districts. The end result of public school education. I’ll leave you with this question, if this were your child stuck in a crumbling school, what would you do in the situation?

Destruction of The Black Family: Government Policy, Economic Transition & Feminism:

Tell me what you think

amsande2's Blog

We all know of the feminist movement, government intervention and its implications in modern society. We often herald the success of this social political movement (which it deserves). We think of the front runners, the leaders of this social, political, economic cause. After all, repression of voting rights was an abominable action- what person with a moral compass can say that disproportionate voting rights were fair. The historical significance and contributions of the feminist movement are respectable, and has left an indelible mark on the complex pattern of the American tapestry. But we forget ultimately that there was a certain demographic of people who endured the cost of this change.

The destruction of the black family is the vicious byproduct of a movement that seem to have benevolent intentions. Eleanor Roosevelt, a revered feminist had a great deal of influence in passing laws and policies that contributed to the destruction…

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Destruction of The Black Family: Government Policy, Economic Transition & Feminism:

We all know of the feminist movement, government intervention and its implications in modern society. We often herald the success of this social political movement (which it deserves). We think of the front runners, the leaders of this social, political, economic cause. After all, repression of voting rights was an abominable action- what person with a moral compass can say that disproportionate voting rights were fair. The historical significance and contributions of the feminist movement are respectable, and has left an indelible mark on the complex pattern of the American tapestry. But we forget ultimately that there was a certain demographic of people who endured the cost of this change.

The destruction of the black family is the vicious byproduct of a movement that seem to have benevolent intentions. Eleanor Roosevelt, a revered feminist had a great deal of influence in passing laws and policies that contributed to the destruction of the African American family, but the brunt of this issue didn’t rear its head until the 1960’s. There were welfare policies in place that prohibited the family from having a “male in the house.” This policy discourage marriage and led to the fragmentation of the black nuclear family. As a result, if you receive any economic support from the government, such as good stamps, and general assistance, you would see a considerable drop in funding if you were married. Again, this set the precedent in the deviation of two parent homes.

At the time, Assistant Labor Secretary Patrick Moynihan publisher a government report about his predictions, and trends that he noticed in the African American family. The report was simply titled The Negro Family. Daniel Patrick Moynihan projection and warnings of the degeneration of the black family loomed to be true. His premise was that the nuclear family was the key to black prosperity in American society, and the increase single parent families would lead to worsened poverty, educational failure, and social misery. This government report was prophetic in many ways. Though many liberal and feminist called advocation of the two parent homes sexist and racist. Primarily because it undermined the women, which causes her oppression; this was the logic of the movement and it’s supporters during the 70’s and today. We as a country supported this advent of the non traditional family, and its effect has had dangerous ramifications.

Feminist made the idea of the nuclear family an oppressive ideal, and they used their political clout to end it. In the 70’s, the black power movement was in full swing, and the feminist coalition attempted to attach itself to the social movement. For example, they would tout this image of the struggling women as being a strong independent black women.

Rejections of the traditional family values were tested as an alternative two the two parent family and we failed. Since the 1960’s we have seen a sharp increase in single parents homes. Moreover, the most important demographic that is effected is the black children; they are the offspring that will have to endure the psychological and economic of these historical policies and ideologies. Resentment and anger often stems from the child of the absentee child, which correlates with poor educational achievement and dangerous behavior.

Economic opportunities are an important factor of this dilemma. Many men want to be fathers to their children, but the switch from a industrialized economy to a service economy has left many unemployable, without means to take care of their family. With an investment in employment skills training ,we can help revitalize the black family economically so they can contribute.

Are Inner City Kids of Any Worth To America?

It is official, the state of Pennsylvania said indirectly that they are indifferent to the precarious life’s that many Philadelphia adolescents students live. The Corbett administration reinforce this notion by cementing the proposed legislation to close 23 schools across the city of Philadelphia. The goal according to Republican assembly and Governor is to reduce a 1.35 billion dollar deficit over 5 years. The commission chairman, John Ramos deemed this as a necessary action required to bring “financial stability.” This justification would remotely be reasonable if the commonwealth of Pennsylvania did not have other costly plans. The state is planning to build a 400 million dollar prison, despite the fact that many council members, and residents have been lobbying to appropriate that money to the Philadelphia school district, this way the school district could meet the 300 million dollar short fall. I ultimately believe this a poor bureaucratic decision, but to be fair let us look at the logical reason for constructing a 400 million dollar state of the art prison. According to the DOC and the state, Gratersford prison(one of PA’s older prisons) is overcrowding and more space is needed to accommodate the images from Philadelphia county jail- the new construct will be abler To populate 2,705 more people. This may very well be a pertinent reason for government attention, but consider this, our goal as citizens are to keep people out of the penal system so they can lead productive lives. Ignoring the states needs and funding this prison in the making, indicates where the state interest are. Meanwhile, there are many students in my city who will have to deal with the ramifications of these school closings. There are students in Philly who will have to travel to rival neighborhoods and schools because of these closings. Where drug factions run rampant and crime is high. I think the state’s acquiescence of failing schools is alarming and daunting to consider. Gov. Tom Corbett and the general assembly reinforces the pipeline theory by destroying these schools. Thousands of teachers, aides and counselor a were terminated as result or this new fiscal plan. Some that I know personally, dedicated employees who were the backbone of these already struggling schools. On it’s face this is discriminatory because it has serious consequences for poor and minority students. Should these student be confined to ignorance and poor neighborhoods such as North Philadelphia. These student chances of college admittance are predicated o the quality of their secondary education. If by chance all 23 school close, the dropout rate will rise, students may result informal economies and violent crimes will increase exponentially: possibly sending these very children to this prison in the future.
